Last updates (v2.4.5.1) |
- Privacy Notice (MWD-96).
- Database Security (MWD-100).
Last updates (v2.4.5) |
- Server Security Upgrade (MWD-86).
Last updates (v2.4.4) |
- E-mail address extension fix (MWD-79).
- User manual link (MWD-51).
- Bugfix user profile (MWD-50).
Last updates (v2.4.3) |
- Security updates (MWD-67, MWD-69).
Last updates (v2.4.2) |
- Security updates (MWD-62, MWD-65).
- Report fixes (MWD-70).
Previous updates (v2.3.0) |
- Security updates (MWD-1, MWD-2).
- Javascript fixes (MWD-4).
- Bug fix:Wrong notifications sent when using back button (MWD-4).
Updates released on 09-Apr-2013 (v2.2.0) |
- Dates and times stored in UTC.
- Display of UTC date/times.
- Menu replace to fix issues with IE9.
Updates released on 11-Jan-2012 (v2.1.6) |
- Auto-split Internet range if larger then 1000 to avoid problems in CMS
Updates released on 29-Sep-2011 (v2.1.5) |
- Necessary security changes
- Monitor job changes to avoid deadlocks
Updates released on 22-Oct-2010 (v2.1.4) |
- Auto email reminder when high level alert rule threshold has been reached.
- Monitor job refactoring for better performance and more accurate results.
Updates released on 05-Oct-2010 (v2.1.3) |
- Allow update from and to Internet ranges.
- Bugfix: Application error when trying to send notification after distributing to account
Updates released on 26-Aug-2010 (v2.1.2) |
- Auto email Finance Department when Mawb Range is distributed to Accounts only.
Updates released on 04-Jun-2010 (v2.1.1) |
- Necessary security upgrades
Updates released on 05-Mar-2010 (v2.1.0) |
- Re-build of Used MAWB Ranges
- Move to Tomcat 5.5.26 with Java 6
- Automated deploys
Updates released on 11-Jul-2009 (v2.0.20) |
- IE8 Menu fix
- User Guide lookup from central repository
Updates released on 28-Nov-2006 (v2.0.19) |
- All additional contacts (MDA) copied into email.
Updates released on 19-Sep-2006 (v2.0.18) |
- Limited list of Customers/GSA for Coordinator re-distribution
- Range Distributions: Distributions to an account only, for users logged in as a Distribution Area,
are limited to those re-distributed by the user self (Message is also displayed)
- Bug fix: Range Distributions system crash
Updates released on 30-Jun-2006 (v2.0.17) |
- Bug fix: (Admin and Coordinator only) Internet group not displayed in dropdown when
an internet range.
- Bug fix: (Admin and Coordinator only) Statusses which can not be set manually are not
in dropdown when editing a range.
Updates released on 09-Jun-2006 (v2.0.16) |
- New 'guest' role added with limited access.
Updates released on 08-May-2006 (v2.0.15) |
- Range Distributions: Ranges distributed to account only are visible for Distribution Area's
- Bug fix: Search by entity account, include GSA
Updates released on 10-Apr-2006 (v2.0.14) |
Updates released on 03-apr-2006 (v2.0.13) |
- Redistribute Range : possibility to filter distribution entities by account
- Search Range : free text search added. Searches in Range Comments, Distribution Comments,
and Receiver
- Range Distributions: tracking of user accepting the range and display
- Distribute / Redistribute range : group by prefix and sort by low suffix links added
- Request Range : preferred low and high suffix removed
- Pending Ranges : reject button removed
- Range Request : preferred low and high suffix removed
- Contact info corrections
Updates released on 30-dec-2005 (v2.0.12) |
- Send email copy to user who performs the action
- Bug fix: Search by distributed to MDA and All Spanish Accounts
- Bug fix: Wrong data in email when range is partially transferred
Updates released on 23-nov-2005 (v2.0.11) |
- Possibility to re-distribute to Customer Office or GSA without specifying accounts
(= range
allocated to all entity accounts)
- MDA users can create/update Customer offices and GSA's
- Search mawb range by entity accounts
- Print list of used mawb numbers before (re-)distribution